Sometimes you just have to swallow your words and wait.
Wait for things to blow over or get better or to be forgotten.
That is the hardest lesson of life. Learning to be patient, learning that time is the only true healer.
When you have found something or someone you love. Hold on to it and work at it everyday, if you think you're going to be given your dream job or a perfect husband on a silver platter, you've misunderstood life. Life challenges us in ways that not one single human could.
One moment you will have things under control and then the next it will be shattered into pieces waiting for you to put it back together. You are in control of your life and what you do, humans are programmed to be selfish so don't expect anyone to come and help pick up your pieces when they have pieces of their own to be putting back together.
There will be times when you are frustrated, confused, angry and annoyed...sometimes all at once. Trust your journey and know that every negative thing you go through is helping you become who you are supposed to be.
Whether you fall in love with something or someone. Do it for the rest of your life. Brace yourselves for the cliche of the year...
life is fucking short. When you are laying in bed mad at your boyfriend, girlfriend or friend, or just frustrated that you have not made the progress you would have wanted to by now in your career. Just think, if you haven't given up by now, the motivation and love is still there; anything worth having will not come easy. I really do not believe in giving up anymore, not that I have
believed in it but I did give up a lot when things were hard. If you want something...fight for it (another saying that probably has you cringing in your seats). Allow yourself to be shamed, taken advantage of or embarrassed. If the love is real and the passion is there, it will be worth it.
You're thinking "fucking hell, that's a bit dramatic". Well, welcome to life, where everything is blown out of proportion and people are taken for granted everyday.
We don't have enough days in our life time to be mad at people we care for or hold off events because we are "scared"; I am talking about people you can't go a day without thinking about and things you can't go a day without researching. Time is the bane of our lives and it is not until we realise this that you we will truly appreciate the people and opportunities around us.
I guess what I am trying to say is, love hard and take advantage of life. It's the only thing your can take advantage of without being judged in this generation.
That was deep, Peace Out.