Friday, 10 June 2016

Food For Thought

This applies to everyone. 

We forget. We forget that life is short. We forget the good that is infront of us. We forget that others happiness isn't always our happiness. As a reminder to others and myself, a small token of selflessness goes a long way. Forget material items, they are forgettable. Sacrifice your own emotions for someone else. This is a real token of gratitude. We are all humans, to most of us being selfless does not come naturally (guilty). So don't be disheartened when you make a decision and then look  back and think..."that was selfish of me" and go and sit on the naughty step and sulk for the rest of the day; get up, apologise and learn.

#CAUTION# If I make this sound easy, It is actually a lot harder to do in real life. But wait until you see the appreciation and happiness on the other persons face, it will be worth way more than the cheap piece of happiness you wanted in the beginning. 

Happy Friday! 

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