Friday, 3 June 2016

Happiness Begins At Home, Not On Facebook!

There's pressure on everyone nowadays to strive for a "perfect' life. Which is then expected to be documented constantly on social media, updating people we haven't spoken to in years or even at all everything that we are doing, people we are seeing and successes we have had. Weird isn't it?!

It isn't until you take a step back and say it out loud that you realise how superficial it all is. We look for happiness where happiness doesn't even exist and we find confidence in things that don't last, Facebook comments, twitter retweets and instagram likes. We have all been violently sucked into the technology era and its hard to see life without it. But when you turn your phone off or close your laptop what are you left with? A temporary slice of confidence from that Instagram photo that got over 10 likes. The constants that you are left with are family, friends and yourself.

This is why in a world of technology, its important to remember that technology isn't always the way forward. Take time to listen to friends, spend time with family and work on yourself.

Something I have realised recently is that once you have lost yourself, it is hard to find that person again. You start to rely on the things you know to keep you happy. And if you're not giving anything back...that big jar of happiness will be drained pretty quickly.

Its SO important to never give up on yourself...Yep, I just cringed as well but cliches are there for a reason, to remind you that happiness comes from the most everyday things. Keep yourself busy and constantly work towards your goals.

Turn off your phones, laptops, iPads, iPods (and anything else that is used to access the internet, just in a different size) and have a conversation with someone. Trust me, this happiness will last longer than that last selfie you took...

Sade  x

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